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Applications are invited from suitably qualified and experienced persons for the above-mentioned post.

    • Diploma in Accounting, Administration or equivalent
    • A minimum of 3 years’ experience in development programming in the field of finance, or administration
    • Knowledge of basic Human Resources practices.
    • Knowledge of major donor regulations such as IRISH AID, UNHCR, DFID, UNICEF, WFP, ECHO etc.

    • Bachelors’ Degree will be desirable
     • Ability to take direction and work independently
     • Excellent interpersonal and motivational skills
     • Proficiency in using Microsoft Computer Packages.

  • Cash Recording: preparation of cashbooks; ensuring proper filing of supporting documents and reconciling cash book balances with the physical cash balances, ensuring transactions are accurately recorded (correct coding, accurate descriptions etc), ensure cash management sheet is appropriately updated, ensure all expenditure is appropriately authorised in the checked by Finance field in line with guidance and submitting the cashbook in line with agreed deadlines.
     • Cash flow: Responsible for day-to-day cash flow of field office, ensuring that the monthly cash request is submitted in line with agreed deadlines and is accurate and in line with BMT projections, to withdraw cash from the bank in a timely manner as needed.
    • Floats-Ensuring that all floats are appropriately authorised; ensuring that floats are accounted on time and any delays reported to the Programme Manager/Area Manager; ensuring floats are used for the purpose for which they are issued out; ensuring floats and cashbooks are properly coded and charged to the correct donor, account & project, ensuring that all training payments are made by finance in the field; reporting to Programme Manager if any cash floats are not accounted for so that the money can be recovered from salary without recourse.
     • Month-end Reporting: Ensure the cashbook is timely and accurately updated, signed safe count sheets and cashbook submitted to Harare Finance on the last working day (WD) of the month, Ensure Fixed Assets (FA) check is performed by WD three and monthly cashbook accountability submitted to Harare office by WD five.
     • Budgeting: Provide support to the Programme Manager and project managers to create accurate and realistic project budget.
     • Monthly rolling budgets: Providing assistance to the Programme Manager/ Budget holder and individual project managers where applicable to review and update monthly Budget Monitoring Tools (BMT), to submit the reviewed BMTs in line with agreed deadlines.
  • To attend monthly stock counts on behalf of finance department.


3 years




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