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Recruitment and HR management

Recruitment focuses mainly on acquiring talent while HR management operations focuses on nurturing a...

Zimbabwe To Face Critical Grain Deficit

Despite recent official assurances that all overdue grain payments would have been paid by the end o...

Everything You Need To Know About Organizational Restructuring

Organizational restructuring is a critical step in transforming a company's structure, functions, an...

Navigating Compliance: The Crucial Role of Zimbabwe’s Labour Act [Chapter 28:01] and the Labour Amendment Act 11 of 2023 to HR.

The Labour Act provides for the legal framework governing employment relationships, rights and oblig...

Empowering Employees And Employers Through The Use Of Technology

Empowered employees are self-motivated, proactive, and engaged in their work which leads to improved...

Is ZiG Injecting Vitality Into The Slumping Economy

ntly the black market rate is trading at ZiG 17 against the US dollar. New measures were introduced...

Navigating The New Normal: Zig Currency's Impact on Employee Pensions and Zimbabwe's Economic Stability

The ZiG currency emerges against the backdrop of Zimbabwe's complex economic history, characterized...

Will ZiG Notes, Coins Enhances Convenience

Cash was useful for some small payments, or as change when submitting US dollar banknotes, but had s...

Zimbabwe grapples with food insecurity crisis

Zimbabwe is currently grappling with a severe food insecurity crisis. Factors such as climate change...

Electronic Transactions Dominate National Payment Systems

Overall, while electronic transactions have revolutionized the way payments are made, it is essentia...

Supporting The Use Of Research Evidence In Decision-Making In Crisis Economies

Overally, Research evidence is very critical in decision-making because it provides decision-makers...

The Future Of Human Resources Management In The Artificial Intelligence Era.

Workforce planning and Predictive Analytics: Data can be used by Artificial Intelligence in Human Re...

Employee Engagement Survey

Everyone wins when companies take the time to listen to their employees, invest in the employee expe...

A Review Of The 2023 Cost Of Living, Exchange Rates And Inflation Rates

Zimbabweans have been pushed deeper into economic misery as the local currency continues on a free...

Macro-economic instability to haunt firms into 2024

Macroeconomic instability is characterized by rapid exchange rate depreciation and inflationary pres...